How to open 7Z file?

100% Free, one-stop compress 7Z file online and unzip 7Z solution.

Opening 7Z files:

  • 1, Open 7Z: After clicking the Decompress 7Z button, the user can browse and select the 7Z file to be decompressed from the computer.
  • 2, 7Z file upload: Once the 7Z file is selected, the system will start uploading the 7Z file to the server.
  • 3, Automatic decompression: After the upload is completed, the system will automatically start decompressing the 7Z file and place the decompressed content in the specified directory (usually the current directory).
  • 4, File management after decompression: After the decompression is completed, the system will automatically display a list of all decompressed files. Users can edit, rename, move or download these files.

iLove7Z is an easy-to-use and powerful online file compression and decompression 7Z tool, which is particularly focused on 7Z format processing. It allows users to select, upload, compress, decompress and manage files directly on the web page without installing any additional software, providing users with great convenience.

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